Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease - Barbara Janson Cohen

Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease - Barbara Janson CohenГод выпуска: 2012

Автор: Barbara Janson Cohen

Жанр: Anatomy

Формат: PDF

Качество: OCR

Описание: This widely read classic is an excellent primer on normal and abnormal anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, basic microbiology, chemistry, and the human disease process. With an accessible design and a robust multimedia electronic ancillary package, the Twelfth Edition is even more engaging and understandable for students with perse learning styles. It builds on its solid foundation by seamlessly integrating the placement and relationship of the art and text. A new full-body transparency insert has been added to the text to assist students in performing a virtual dissection of the human body from skin down to bone. 

Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease is a textbook for introductory-level health professions and nursing students who need a basic understanding of anatomy and physiology, the interrelationships between structure and function, and the effects of disease on body systems.

Like preceding editions, the 12th edition remains true to Ruth Memmler's original vision. The features and content specifically meet the needs of those who may be starting their health career preparation with little or no science background. This book's primary goals are:

  • To provide the essential knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, and the effects of disease at an ideal level of detail and in language that is clear and understandable.

  • To illustrate the concepts discussed with anatomic art that depicts the appropriate level of detail with accuracy, simplicity, and elegance, and that is integrated seamlessly with the narrative.

  • To incorporate the most recent scientific findings into the fundamental material on which Ruth Memmler's classic text is based.

  • To include pedagogy designed to enhance interest in and understanding of the concepts presented.

  • To teach the basic anatomic and medical terminology used in healthcare settings, preparing students to function efficiently in their chosen health career.

  • To present an integrated teaching-learning package that includes all of the elements necessary for a successful learning experience.

This revision is the direct result of in-depth market feedback solicited to tell us what instructors and students at this level most need. We listened carefully to the feedback, and the results we obtained are integrated into many features of this book and into the ancillary package accompanying it. The text itself has been revised and updated where needed to improve organization of the material and to reflect current scientific thought.

Because visual learning devices are so important to students at this level, this edition includes a new section, “The Body Visible,” a series of illustrations and transparent overlays of the major body major systems that are presented in the text. In addition to being a learning tool, these illustrations provide enrichment and are a valuable general reference.

The 12th edition retains its extensive art program with updated versions of figures from previous editions. These features appear in a modified design that makes the content more user-friendly and accessible than ever. Our innovative PASSport to Success® ancillary package helps students match their learning styles to a wealth of resources, while the comprehensive package of instructor resources provides instructors with maximum flexibility and efficiency.

Organization and Structure

Like previous editions, the 12th edition uses a body systems approach to the study of the normal human body and how disease affects it. The book is pided into seven units, grouping related information and body systems together as follows:

  • Unit I, The Body as a Whole (Chapters 1-4), focuses on the body's organization, basic chemistry needed to understand body functions, cells and their functions, and tissues, glands, and membranes.

  • Unit II, Disease and the First Line of Defense (Chapters 5 and 6), presents information on disease, organisms that produce disease, and the integumentary system, which is the body's first line of defense against injury and disease.

  • Unit III, Movement and Support (Chapters 7 and 8), includes the skeletal and muscular systems.

  • Unit IV, Coordination and Control (Chapters 9-12), focuses on the nervous system, the sensory system, and the endocrine system.

  • Unit V, Circulation and Body Defense (Chapters 13-17), includes the blood, the heart and heart disease, blood vessels and circulation, the lymphatic system, and the immune system.

  • Unit VI, Energy: Supply and Use (Chapters 18-22), includes the respiratory system; the digestive system; metabolism, nutrition, and temperature control; body fluids; and the urinary system.

  • Unit VII, Perpetuation of Life (Chapters 23-25), covers the male and female reproductive systems, development and birth, and heredity and hereditary diseases.

The main Glossary defines the chapters' boldfaced terms. An additional Glossary of Word Parts is a reference tool that not only teaches basic medical and anatomic terminology but also helps students learn to recognize unfamiliar terms. Appendices include a variety of supplementary information that students will find useful as they work with the text, including a photographic dissection atlas (Appendix 5) and answers to the Chapter Checkpoint questions and Zooming In illustration questions (Appendix 4) that are found in every chapter.

Pedagogic Features

Every chapter contains pedagogy that has been designed with the health professions and nursing student in mind.

  • Learning Outcomes: Chapter objectives at the start of every chapter help the student organize and prioritize learning.

  • Ancillaries At-A-Glance: Learning Tools, Learning Resources, and Learning Activites are highlighted in a one-stop overview of the supplemental materials available for the chapter.

  • Disease in Context: Familiar scenarios transport chapter content into a real-life setting, bringing the information to life for students and showing how disease may affect the body's state of internal balance.

  • A Look Back: With the exception of Chapter 1, each chapter starts with a brief review of how its content relates to prior chapters.

  • Chapter Checkpoints: Brief questions at the end of main sections test and reinforce the student's recall of key information in that section. Answers are in Appendix 4.

  • Key Points (NEW to this edition): Critical information highlighted in figure legends spotlights essential aspects of the illustrations.

  • “Zooming In” questions: Questions in the figure legends test and reinforce student understanding of concepts depicted in the illustration. Answers are in Appendix 4.

  • Phonetic pronunciations: Easy-to-learn phonetic pronunciations are spelled out in the narrative, appearing in parentheses directly following many terms—no need for students to understand dictionary-style diacritical marks. (See the “Guide to Pronunciation” below.)

  • Special interest boxes: Each chapter contains three special interest boxes focusing on topics that augment chapter content. The book includes five kinds of boxes altogether: > Disease in Context Revisited: Traces the outcome of the medical story that opens each chapter and show how the cases relate to material in the chapter and to others in the book.

    • A Closer Look: Provides additional in-depth scientific detail on topics in or related to the text.

    • Clinical Perspective: Focuses on diseases and disorders relevant to the chapter, exploring what happens to the body when the normal structure-function relationship breaks down.

    • Hot Topic: Focuses on current trends and research, reinforcing the link between anatomy and physiology and related news coverage that students may have seen.

    • Health Maintenance: Offers supplementary information on health and wellness issues.

  • Figures: The art program includes full-color anatomic line art, some new or revised, with a level of detail that matches that of the narrative. Photomicrographs, radiographs, and other scans give students a preview of what they might see in real-world healthcare settings. Supplementary figures are available on the companion Web site as well as on the Student DVD included with this text.

  • Tables: The numerous tables in this edition summarize key concepts and information in an easy-to-review form. Additional summary tables are available on the companion Web site as well as on the Student DVD included with this text.

  • Color figure and table callouts: Figure and table numbers appear in color in the narrative, helping students quickly find their place after stopping to look at an illustration or table.

  • Word Anatomy: This chart defines and illustrates the various word parts that appear in terms within the chapter. The prefixes, roots, and suffixes presented are grouped according to chapter headings so that students can find the relevant text. This learning tool helps students build vocabulary and promotes understanding of even unfamiliar terms based on a knowledge of common word parts.

  • Chapter Wrap-Up (NEW to this edition): A graphic outline at the end of each chapter provides a concise overview of chapter content, aiding in study and test preparation.

  • Key Terms: Selected boldface terms throughout the text are listed at each chapter's end and defined in the book's glossary.

  • Questions for Study and Review: Study questions are organized hierarchically into three levels. (Note that answers appear in the Instructor's Manual as well as on the instructor resource Web site):

    • Building Understanding: Includes fill-in-the-blank, matching, and multiple choice questions that test factual recall.

    • Understanding Concepts: Includes short-answer questions (define, describe, compare/contrast) that test and reinforce understanding of concepts.

    • Conceptual Thinking: Includes short-essay questions that promote critical thinking skills. New in this edition are thought questions related to the Disease in Context case stories.

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