Gynecological and Breast Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment - Walid E. Khalbuss, Marilee Means

Gynecological and Breast Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment - Walid E. Khalbuss, Marilee MeansГод выпуска: 2013

Автор: Walid E. Khalbuss, Marilee Means

Жанр: Книги на английском

Формат: PDF

Качество: OCR

Описание: This book provides a comprehensive in-depth systems-based review of gynecological cytology including cytomorphology, pitfalls, and ancillary testing presented in a high-yield review followed by board-type questions and discussions. It is an excellent review and self-assessment for pathologists, cytopathologists, and cytologists, as well as cytology trainees (e.g., pathology residents, cytopathology fellows, and cytotechnology students). The book includes ten chapters covering technique, cytomorphology, ancillary testing, management, legal, and QA topics. Each chapter contains introductory high-yield review on the subject with tables and key points emphasizing useful criteria and concepts needed to make diagnoses in common and uncommon cases and to avoid diagnostic pitfalls.

  • The book contains 64 summary tables, a wealth of full high-quality color photomicrographs of over 784 images, and review questions of 736 text-based and image-based multiplechoice questions (MCQs) that focus on practical diagnostic knowledge that will be useful to cytology trainees seeking basic information and also those with more experience who would like to fine-tune their skills.

  • The book also features chapters dedicated to breast FNA, Pap test clinical management, laboratory management, and quality assurance as related to gynecological cytology.


«Gynecological and Breast Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment»

  1. The Pap Test: Technique and Reporting
  2. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection and Cervical Lesions
  3. Normal, Infectious, and Reactive Changes in the Pap Test
  4. Squamous Lesions in the Pap Test
  5. Glandular Lesions in the Pap Test
  6. Hyperchromatic Crowded Groups (HCGs) in the Pap Test
  7. Challenging and Uncommon Lesions in the Pap Test
  8. Management Issues and Quality Assurance (QA) in the Pap Test
  9. Pelvic Washings for Gynecological Lesions
  10. Breast FNA: Cytomorphology and Diagnostic Pitfalls

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